Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Every Lover Needs A guitar...

With inspiration by David E. Lewis who wrote "A Lover Needs A Guitar".

This morning while working to stay slim, I concocted the notion that if you were looking for a truly gifted lover, the best place to look would be among musicians.

That does not mean or should not suggest that only musicians are gifted lovers - I'm not a musician.... Nor does it mean that every musician is a gifted lover. I do believe however that among musicians there are more truly gifted lovers than among any other identifiable segment of humanity.

Now your idea of what constitutes a truly gifted lover may differ significantly from mine (or everyone else's for that matter). However, in my mind, lovemaking is the music of touch - rhythm, melody, harmony, and as we used to say, "the space between the notes".

The most gifted lovers add voices - dramatic narrative, suspense, comedy, and small animal sounds.

Someone a friend of mine knows wrote:

"the task of a lover
is the life of a magician

to slowly convince your body
to dissolve
in a wash of kisses

and then to pull it back
through the keyhole
of surprise"

© 2005, 2007,2009
David L. Potter


  1. David, this is my first exposure to your poetry, and I'm looking forward to more! I'll be lining up for a private reading at the MOXIE opening next month!
    Carmel Smith

  2. Just curious, where are you blogging from? Did you know DEL personally?

  3. Halifax... I met David and spent an afternoon at the grey house in Bridgetown back in the 70's.

    David P.

  4. This is great info to know.

  5. These reflections are very inspiring to me as I concur with your perspective which links lovemaking to music. There is an alluring resonance there which moves me to ask you if I may quote you on my flickr page and engage this quote of yours: "...In my mind, lovemaking is the music of touch - rhythm, melody, harmony, and as we used to say, "the space between the notes", as a caption for an artistic self-portrait of mine in which I depict myself making love to my guitar. Here is the link, if you object I will remove your words. However I would be most grateful if you left them there for others to delight in. I hope the context is to your liking:

  6. thought you might be interested:
